Learning Styles Inventory

LSI assesses a person’s learning style, helping them identify the strategies they most and least prefer to adopt when learning new material. It is a self-development tool that aims to help individuals maximise their learning potential by enabling them to tailor their approach to learning to match their strengths. Developed on the premise that all learning styles have both strengths and weaknesses, it provides a non-threatening framework in which to explore self-development issues.


Report Options

These online report options are available for the following assessment

Please contact AADC  for further information on reports & report sets.


What LSI Measures

Developed from an extensive review of the literature, LSI measures the 6 learning styles for which there is most supporting research. Each of these 6 learning styles fall into 3 pairs of opposing approaches to learning:

  • A preference for learning from an abstract, theoretical perspective, rather than learning from practical examples and by focussing on concrete real world issues.
  • A preference for focussing on the big picture and gaining an overall grasp of the subject-matter before learning the fine detail, versus preferring to focus on the core elements of the subject-matter and build an understanding of how these elements are related to each other ‘from the bottom up’.
  • A preference for learning via quiet contemplation and self-reflection versus learning actively by discussion, experimentation and hands-on activity.


When learning through formal education or work-based experience, LSI helps people make the most of learning opportunities and self-development by encouraging thought about preferred ways of learning. By encouraging people to ‘play to their strengths’, LSI both increases learning potential and guides people in developing their areas of weakness. Quick to administer and simple to complete in either paper-and-pencil or on-screen format, learning styles profiles are produced through the GeneSys Assessment System.

LSI Reports

The LSI report describes the individual’s most and least preferred learning style, describing both strengths and areas for development. The report describes how the individual can maximise their learning potential by approaching learning situations in a way that utilises their strengths and minimises their weakness. In addition, it provides examples of activities that can be used to develop the individual’s learning style; strengthening weaknesses and expanding the range of preferred learning strategies.

Available Languages

  • English
  • Arabic
  • Indonesian
  • Thai